Are you looking to expand your knowledge develop new skills? I am certified in the following realms of education and would love to support your learning adventure:
ELI - The iPEC Energy Leadership Inventory is a trademarked assessment to uncover how your energy shows up in the world and determine where you might be experiencing blocks to the free and easeful flow of Source that you long for. Vision Board Parties - Visually represent what you hope to manifest in your future through aesthetics that resonate with you and your hopes and dreams.
Active Anti-racism - If you aren’t actively anti-racist, it is possible that you have developed patterns in your life that support detrimental systems of oppression. You are not alone. Without awareness, we all function out of unexamined and unskillful efforts at love. Learn how to break down barriers, come to grips with unconscious bias and take action toward a more just world, one conscious interaction at a time.
Caregiving 101 - Whether you are regularly caring for littles or walking in compassionate and practical ways with elderly family members to the end of their life, I've been there too and can offer practical and emotional presence along the journey.