What is Coaching?
Do You:
- know what you really want in life and have a plan for getting it?
- live in a way that moves you toward what you want most?
- find yourself spinning your wheels or feeling stuck?
- feel significant guilt for your behaviors, thoughts, or feelings?
- experience anger toward yourself or those with whom you disagree?
- struggle with aspects of significant relationships?
- wonder if there is more to life than what you are presently experiencing?
- recognize gaps between what you say and how you live?
- wish you could process any and every aspect of your life with someone who is a safe and engaged listener?
- regularly and with intention pursue your goals and dreams?
- desire a life you truly enjoy?
- yearn to live into your most authentic Self (or wonder what that even means)?
- hope for a connection with someone who will champion you in pursuing your Best Self?
A Life Coach is NOT:
A Life Coach IS:
If your interest is piqued by any of the above, let's talk! Contact me for more information and to schedule an initial complimentary session that will explore how a coaching relationship might give you the tools you want to move you from functional to optimal in every area of your life.
- a Consultant who is the expert
- a Mentor who has specific "been there/done that" life experience.
- a Therapist who helps you heal from the trauma of the past.
- a Sports Coach who is focused on winning and losing.
- a Friend who listens and gives unsolicited advice.
- a Family Member who is personally invested in your choices.
A Life Coach IS:
- a Trained Professional who knows YOU are the expert on your own life.
- a Professional Partner who supports YOUR learning.
- an Empathic Ally who provides perspective that is present and future oriented.
- a Specialist whose goal is to find the true win-win scenario for all.
- an Objective Guide who empowers YOU to move toward your own goals.
If your interest is piqued by any of the above, let's talk! Contact me for more information and to schedule an initial complimentary session that will explore how a coaching relationship might give you the tools you want to move you from functional to optimal in every area of your life.